Desarrolla las habilidades necesarias para liderar los procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje del inglés y destaca profesionalmente. El material de trabajo ha sido cuidadosamente diseñado para cada módulo por expertos en el área y se ajusta a las necesidades de formación de los docentes de nuestro país. Todos los módulos se desarrollan enteramente en inglés, tanto en su componente presencial como virtual. Los participantes logran así mejorar su nivel de dominio del idioma. Los profesionales que se desenvuelven en el área deben estar en constante aprendizaje y actualización. Cada día más entidades educativas necesitan docentes del idioma inglés con amplio manejo en la enseñanza de este idioma, con enfoque comunicativo, centrado en el alumno y haciendo uso eficiente de la tecnología dentro y fuera del aula.
Junio 2025
They have been designed to refresh your grammar and pronunciation competences so you can communicate with more ease and confidence. Both modules will provide opportunities to clarify, inquire about and put into communicative practice a variety of grammatical and pronunciation tools such as key verb tenses, modals, reported speech, passive voice, descriptive language, vowels and consonant contrasts, blending sounds, intonation and rhythm patterns and others. You will also have access to a great deal of useful support materials through the Google classroom such as selected video links, glossaries, and language use summaries that will surely enrich your professional resources.
Module I focuses on the gramatical aspect of the language whereas Module II on the pronunciation of the English language.
Theoretical-practical module which aims at defining core concepts regarding education, pedagogy, teaching, learning and language in order to compare language development in first and second language acquisition. The module also aims at clarifying the focus of English Language Teaching and seeks to relate the content to the participants’ own milieus. Additionally, this module describes major theories in second language acquisition, which will show the development of the SLA field hand in hand with the teaching and learning process in order to aid participants design their classes in a principled manner.
Participants explore key concepts regarding the teaching of the English language, approaches and methods, providing techniques for teaching a foreign language. Key variables in the teaching learning process are analyzed and discussed.
This module focuses on providing the different strategies to engage and support 21st century learners. Participants will analyse the relevance of English and the reasons why people learn English nowadays. They will also learn about the new skills needed by the new generations in order to face the future challenges and know how to succeed in a globalized world. Important aspects of language learning will be addressed such as the roles of teachers and students in the English classroom, the importance of motivation and critical thinking in the learning process, and the benefits of applying the multiple intelligence theory to better understand students’ abilities. The use of Bloom’s taxonomy will be questioned and applied in order to identify and set achievable learning goals, assess students’ performance and promote students’ self-reflection on their progress. The urge for innovation in education will be debated, appraising the new paradigms currently revolutionizing education.
Practical in nature. 100% at a lab. Participants use the tools to make the teaching of English as a Foreign Language an exciting subject. They create material using the latest technological resources, online platforms and approaches with technological components.
In this theoretical- practical module, participants will learn how to use the strategies and techniques to teach the English language systems: Pronunciation, Vocabulary and Grammar considering the students’ age, level and needs. A variety of strategies and techniques to teach the English 4 skills: Speaking, Listening, Reading and Writing will be provided as well. Participants will present micro demo classes in order to apply and show what they have learned. Finally, participants will familiarize with the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages and its descriptors of the four language skills.
Theoretical-practical module which aims at familiarizing the participant with the organization of lessons based on learning objectives and outcomes. It also focuses on preventing and managing situations that could hinder the achievement of said objectives, instructional goals, and the respective development of students ́ competencies. This module defines and presents different lesson plan formats and their components in common. The participant will be able to analyze how to organize a learning session as how to formulate and assess learning outcomes. A variety of feedback and correction techniques will be offered. Another key area included in this module is classroom management, which deals with class organization, student work dynamics, learning process monitoring and using teaching resources. The participant will also engage in learning about different classroom interaction types, students ́ behavior and techniques on how to prevent disruptive behavior. There is an emphasis on how to issue instructions effectively. The module ends with an overview of testing and evaluation principles.
Former USAID scholar, Prof. Gonzales holds a B.A. in Education from Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, and a variety of post graduate studies in TEFL from the State University of New York, at Buffalo; University of Reading, UK; School for International Training, in Costa Rica; the University of Maryland in Baltimore-USA, and the American Council for the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL). Prof. Gonzales has ample experience in specialized areas such as curriculum design, evaluation, testing and monitoring instruments; English for Academic and Specific Purposes; International Standards (CEFR, ACTFL); TEFL Training; International Exams, and editorial customization of pedagogical materials. Devoted to the Field of Language Teaching for over 35 years, he is an Honorary Member and co-founder of the National English Teachers Association, PERU-TESOL.
An experienced English instructor with 20+ years teaching all CEFR levels, Indira León has seen the steps English students take from the very beginning in their learning process until they get international certifications. She has been a proctor and conducted interviews with candidates for international exams such as ECCE, ECPE, DELE and others. During her career at a binational center, she has participated in pilot programs to implement teaching techniques, delivered Methodology and teaching practice courses, elaborated training material for new teachers and of course, planned hundreds of lessons.
Simón Schwarzemberg graduated from the English Teaching Program for Primary and Secondary Education at Andrés Bello University in Chile. He has a degree in Academic English course from Brigham Young University in Utah, USA. In 2019, he moved to Peru to study the Specialization Program in English Language Teaching at Ricardo Palma University where he graduated in 2020. He finished his master's degree in higher education at Ricardo Palma University. Mr. Schwarzemberg holds international certifications such as CAE, TOEFL ITP, MET, TKT, among others. Currently, he is a teacher trainer at the Specialization Program and works as an Academic Support at Idiomas Ricardo Palma.
Licentiate in Translation and Interpreting in English and French, Ricardo Palma University. Master in Education, Educational Policies and Management, San Martin University. Diploma in Management of Educational Institutions and “Innovation in Education”, EUCIM. Diploma in Management of Educational Centers”, IPAE, “Teaching in Higher Education Programs”, Bauzate y Meza; Coaching, CCPUC, “TESOL Program for Language Program Administrators”, University of Maryland, Baltimore County. Specialization in Teaching English as a Foreign Language, Catolica University. Twice recipient of the Non-traditional student scholarship at the University of Boulder, Colorado, USA. English teacher at different language centers and schools until 2006. Academic supervisor of the Adult Program, ICPNA. Coordinator of the Academic Area, in charge of corporate classes at Euroidiomas. Director at the Specialization in English Language Teaching at URP. Director of the Language Center at URP.
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Examen de confirmación del nivel de inglés
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