Celebration of the centenary of Edgar Morin

On 2 July 2021, to mark Edgar Morin’s 100th birthday, UNESCO, the Edgar Morin Foundation and the French National Commission for UNESCO will celebrate his work and his thinking of international influence at the Organization’s headquarters in Paris, with which the philosopher has always maintained close ties.

Born in Paris on 8 July 1921, Edgar Morin is an eminent French sociologist and philosopher who has been involved in some of the most significant events in our history. He is internationally recognised for his work on ‘complex thinking’. On several occasions, Edgar Morin has echoed the ideals of the Organisation, which has also relayed his concepts. Through the publication of various books and articles that have become references in their fields, Edgar Morin has established himself as one of UNESCO’s leading intellectuals.

More on the event: https://on.unesco.org/3AhdVIr

Un pensamiento sobre “Celebration of the centenary of Edgar Morin

  1. Alvin Bagas

    ¡Qué hermoso homenaje al legado de Edgar Morin! Celebrar su centenario no es sólo un reconocimiento de sus increíbles contribuciones a la filosofía y la sociología, sino también un momento para reflexionar sobre el profundo impacto de sus ideas en el pensamiento moderno. Su trabajo continúa inspirándonos y guiándonos para comprender las complejidades del mundo. ¡Verdaderamente una figura inspiradora!
    Visite nuestro sitio web Universidad de Telkom Jakarta

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